The phone ringing woke us up at 10 am. I put on my same lime green flowered dress and went to the grocery store. I bought the essentials plus some napolitanas. It was really hard for me to remember to do everything right: bring my old lady rolling shopping cart thingy, lock it up at the store's entryway, deposit ,50 E for the shopping cart, keep track of how much I was spending in dollars and euros, making myself only buy ONE kind of stinky cheese and only ONE treat, and finally bagging it up and stuffing most of it in my OLRSCT and dragging it home. By the time we ate breakfast it was noon.
Our suitcases finally arrived! Emma and I immediately changed into fresh clothes. One suitcase was missing some feet. Methinks I am going to complain to British Airways.
I let Aidan pick plums by himself while I watched out the kitchen window. He picked about 10 and said he would eat them as his lunch fruit. He only ate 4, I think he enjoys the picking more than the eating.
We explored more of Granada around 6 pm. It was a scorcher today: 98 degrees! We found tons of perfect places for the kids to use their heelys, unfortunately for them we didn't let them wear them today. Some of the roads had such narrow sidewalks and the drivers here are crazy and have little regard for pedestrians. There is actually a sign at the crosswalk that says one in three deaths in Granada is a pedestrian accident. We are so cautious that we don't cross, even if there are no cars in sight, until the pedestrian sign actually signals that it is OK to walk. We walked and walked and still managed less than 9,000 steps today according to our pedometer.
We saw some eyes and a nose on a wall at the end of a narrow alleyway that went uphill. We couldn't figure out if it was carved or graffiti and so went up to see. We also found some yummy looking falafel and kabob places as well as some gelato joints on our walk. There is a reason the orange trees have so many oranges on them around here. We picked one today and the sections were bone dry, almost like orange jerky. We saw a bunch of wedding parties around town. The clothes were awesome. One of the women wearing a very fancy dress walked close to Emma and Emma said she felt it tickling her ankle. We also bought popsicles for the kids as well as a Magnum Solero Exotico (mango flavor) for Collin.
Ian had to go to the bathroom (not the kind you can discretely do by a tree) and so I took him into a bar hoping to buy something small and use their bathroom. I went up to the bar and asked for some tortilla. They only had the kind with plain eggs, no onions, no potatoes . . . . basically a 12 egg omelet and they wouldn't give me a piece, they wanted to sell the whole thing. Finally, I just said, "my little boy needs to use the bathroom." And we used it and left without buying anything. I didn't feel too bad about it since I TRIED to buy something and they didn't have what I was looking for.
Collin made an awesome dinner of gazpacho with bread and tortilla. The kids ate pizza which we first tried to heat in the microwave, but it started shooting sparks so we ended up heating it in a pan since we can't figure out how to turn on the oven. The oven I can survive without, but not a microwave. We ended up cooking four things in one pan without washing it: eggs followed by hotdogs followed by tortilla followed by pizza. I am going to try my hand at hummus from scratch using dried garbanzo beans.
I gave each of the kids a leg and foot massage while they watched Nightmare Before Christmas before bed. Emma didn't whine once about the long walk. I was really proud of her. Ian asked to be carried about 20 times, but my feet were killing me so I couldn't do it. I wish I had went ahead and bought Yoga Toes. Instead I put rolled up socks between each of my toes for about an hour and they feel a lot better. They went to bed at midnight. Unfortunately, Collin and I are still up. But on the bright side I finished Beside a Burning Sea, I definitely got my dollarsworth out of it. We are going to try to go to church tomorrow. It is about an hour by foot each way.
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